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Issues / Re: Midi EQ Help
« Last post by Variorum on June 23, 2020, 01:40:15 PM »
Argh! I hate those errors that only happen occasionally :(
It's probably a memory corruption issue caused by the MFX. I'll poke around and see if I can find the cause. If I can't, I'll get some more info from you to see if I can narrow down exactly where it's occurring.
Issues / Midi EQ Help
« Last post by marwood on June 23, 2020, 02:04:30 AM »
This only happened twice. It does not happen all the time. 
I saved an EQ setting in a song. I opened another song clicked the folder button to tried to load that EQ setting in the new song. Crashed. The EQ name  was in the pull down menu as expected.  I clicked it and I saw the EQ load (Bars were in place where they were supposed to be. The crash showed a few error boxes 3 I think then it closed EQ and Cakewalk. I tried to send the dump file zipped it was too big - Do you want it?

This midi EQ it GREAT!  I use it with Compander in all my new midi projects.  Thanks again for a great job!

Got any new projects? I'm in for testing!

Max Arwood
General Discussion / Re: Question about plugins
« Last post by marwood on May 15, 2020, 10:29:00 PM »
GREAT!!  I can't believe you wrote this so fast!  You are amazing with your midi FX programming!

Max Arwood
General Discussion / Re: Question about plugins
« Last post by Variorum on May 14, 2020, 05:41:22 PM »
Nice piece! I like the light orchestration around the piano.
Glad the plugins are helping you out. I'm finishing up the EQ (had to take a break from it for a couple days). I'll implement your suggestions... shouldn't be too difficult.
General Discussion / Re: Question about plugins
« Last post by marwood on May 14, 2020, 10:35:19 AM »
Thanks. I have already finished a couple of songs with MidiEQ in combination with CSMultiCompander. They would not been nearly as good without your great midiFX!!

Im working on another version of this song with less pedal noise up front. Haven’t up loaded it yet.
Here is the one you have helped me with. It would not have been near as good without your FX!!

Thanks again!!
Max Arwood

General Discussion / Re: Question about plugins
« Last post by Variorum on May 09, 2020, 07:57:09 PM »
Hey Max...
You can use the mouse wheel while hovering over the sliders (most of them, anyway) to make single digit adjustments. I'm planning to re-compile the plugins in the near future. I've made some changes/improvements in the base code over time that the earlier plugins don't have. I'll add some kind of fine control to them when I do that.

Check your messages... I need you to check this thing out. It's not quite ready for publication yet, so if you have any suggestions for it, let me know.
General Discussion / Question about plugins
« Last post by marwood on May 06, 2020, 11:52:24 PM »
Question about CSMulticompander and others.  Is there a key combination for adjusting the sliders more precisely? Many programs use CTRL to make the sliders move in smaller increments.  I have trouble with fine adjustments.

I LOVE all your plugins and especially this plugin!!!

Thanks Again,
Max Arwood
New Stuff / Welcome Mr. Fogle! New plug-in in the pipeline
« Last post by Variorum on January 20, 2020, 01:25:26 PM »
This monstrosity is coming soon... still have a few bugs to squash :o

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